Sunday, 6 November 2011

Patience in Gambling

Probably the most important trait I have built up in my emotional bankroll is patience. That of course is with regard to gambling.

At home, I'm the guy yelling at the microwave to HURRY UP and finish the popcorn, and heaven forbid I should have to stand in line and actually wait for something. But, I'll sit all night at a poker table waiting for good cards to play instead of jumping into pots with junk.

Likewise for craps and blackjack. I know I can't really turn the house odds in my favor at the craps table, but I'm a lifetime winner at the game for two reasons: patience and aggression.

The secret weapon for my aggression? I bet more when I'm winning and less when I'm losing.

You can try negative progressions, but with those you will eventually get kicked right in the rear of your bankroll. Yup, they'll win for a while, but that big bad streak always comes along and wipes out your earlier wins.

The original master of 21, Edward O. Thorp, only believed in betting more when the odds were in his favor. Sound advice.

However, increasing your bets, at least a little, while you are winning, can work wonders for your bankroll if you are counting cards. And, it can easily confuse the Sky (and the floor supervisors) because often they will consider your bet increase to be a mistake!

Yes, as a card counter you make your bets based on whether the count is in your favor (you bet more), or in the casinos' favor (you bet as little as possible). Unfortunately, most games don't work like that, so additional thinking is required.

Raising your bets while losing gives you a chance to get back to even. Raising your bets while winning gives you a chance to use the casinos' money to double or triple your bankroll, much like compound interest will make your investments soar.

If you can harness your patience and increase your aggression at the times you have a nice streak going, well, you'll be working with other peoples' money to compound your own! Think about it.

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